Darwin Generation 4 detection system for liquid leakages has a lot of benefits for you:
•It is the first high technologically detection system, that makes money!!
•It gives Insurance deductable in some occasions.
•It gives a more green window future related environment.
•Less spilling of the most very expensive medium on the globe, your liquid gas, oil, water or any other kind of liquid.
•Less spilling / theft of liquid substance will be the future (under engineering)
•The financial revenues of the Darwin-G4 solution are extremely in relation to the cost.
•Recent calculations, shows a percentage less than 1% v/s the loss.
The utmost best investment for all countries economical incomes.
•A traceable set of DARWIN-G4 units that monitors your pipeline.
•This Darwin-G4 system is based on a 24-7-365 basis and associated lease accordingly.
•Each defect will be reported to the SPC on duty.
•Each defect will be specifically stated in the global GPS codes.
•A straight forward and easy to install tie-in monitoring system.
•No interfering with other local frequencies.
•A simple yet traceable device to locate your current pipeline defects.
•A simple yet traceable device to locate your future pipeline defects.
•A 100% stand alone and solar powered system.
Please get in touch with us through our contact form. Than we can discuss your specific benefits and situation!